Birds of the Seychelles
Birds of all coloursSeychelles is a tropic archipelago made up of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean, located 1600km east of Africa.
The archipelago has been separated from other continents for more than 60 million years. That is the reason why many endemic bird species live in the Seychelles.
For bird lovers (birders) the most interesting location is the Bird Island, a national park of 2 x 1 km which houses around 2.5 million birds from May to October. The island is protected and can accommodate only 40 tourists at a time.
The beauty of the sea, sky and plants in the Seychelles reflects in its varied bird life.
- Gygis alba, Fairy Tern
2. Phaeton lepturus, White-tailed Tropicbird
4. Acrodotheres tristis, Common Myna
5. Geopelia striata, Barred ground dove
7. Foudia madagascariensis, Madascar Fody
8. Alectroenas pulcherrima, Seychelles Blue Pidgeon
9. Cinnyris dussumieri, Seychelles Sunbird
16. Charadrius mongolus, Lesser Sand Plover
17. Arenaria interpres, Roody Turnstone
19. Pluvialis squatarola, Grey Plover
27. Anous stolidus, Brown Nody
31. Fregata minor, Great Frigatebird
34. Sula sula, Red-footed Booby
35. Onychoprion fuscatus, Sooty Tern